What Is A Judgment?
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A Judgment is a debt levied on an individual, business or entity by a judge in a courtroom as a result of litigation. This establishes that the judgment creditor proved to the judge or the court that he/she/it was owed money from the debtor for services rendered or property delivered to the debtor by the creditor.
A judgment can be levied on many assets such as land, personal property and automobiles. Most common are money judgments, for example when a tenant breaks a lease agreement. As a result the property owner takes the tenant to small claims court and sues for nonpayment. The property owner is the plaintiff and the tenant is the defendant. If the court awards the suit in the property owners’ favor, the property owner is given a Money Judgment
In the previous example, the property owner is the Judgment Creditor, the tenant becomes the Judgment Debtor and the award of money owed becomes the Judicial Judgment. The property owner has won the Judgment but the courts do not collect the monies owed. The collection process must be initiated and completed by the property owner himself.
More than likely the property owner doesn’t have a clue about collecting his judgment. In the beginning he may attempt to collect the judgment, but eventually he writes it of as a bad debt. For all practical purposes the property owner now holds what he feels to be a worthless piece of paper
When the judge decides in favor of the plaintiff or defendant he will issue a judgment ordering the losing party to pay a certain amount of money to the winner, and usually court fees as well. The person who has lost the case, and must now pay is called the judgment debtor. The person who was awarded a money judgment is called the judgment creditor.
The judge will issue what is most commonly called an Entry of Judgment. A copy of this will be filed in the case file at the courthouse and another form, called a Notice of Entry of Judgment, will be mailed to all parties involved in the case. On rare occasions, the judgment debtor (usually the defendant) will pay the amount ordered then and there and that is the end of things, but 80% of the time the judgment debtor never pays, leaving the judgment creditor with no recourse other than to seek out your services.
Unless of course the judgment creditor is familiar with judgment collection procedures and does so through the legal system. That is where we come in.
By law, debtors are protected from public embarrassment and undue harassment by creditors. By and large, these laws are sensible compromises between creditors' needs and debtor’s rights. Although some of these laws technically apply only to debt collection businesses and attorneys, it's best to follow them. Harassing a debtor is usually both unnecessary and counterproductive.
Using our methods and techniques we rarely ever have a need to make contact with the debtor and if we do, it is kept very professional, polite and private (ppp).
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